Shake that…

At least in MIDDConfessional, and possibly most other confessionals, students discuss and post about the sexual attributes of other students.  Does this explain the fact that sex always occupies our minds?  Do the students who post these threads search for the excitement of comments from others about these topics?  Sex does sell, and apparently, generates discussions…

5 thoughts on “Shake that…

  1. I sense that many of the more overtly sexual posts are aimed more at character assassination then sexually fueled excitement. At the same time, your question raises a more general one.

    Does anonymously generated content illuminate aspects of the self that would remain dark in other circumstances?

  2. I would say that a large majority of posts aren’t so much based on character assassination as it is in the appeal of finding out others opinions, and as I would guess a curiosity in seeing were you yourself fit in. I think its also very much a result of the dating and hook-up scene in Middlebury.

  3. After reading more on M.C. today, I have to agree with you as to “the appeal of finding out others opinions.” Zander echoes that opinion in his recent post.

  4. I feel the popularity of sexual discussions on Middconfessional is not because sex generates discussion. The popularity of this type of discussion is a result of the pleasure people get from ego affirmation. People make posts for others to affirm their sentitments; these types of posts are not meant to generate true discussion.

  5. I completely agree that ego affirmation is involved. I also agree that such discussion reflects some of the shortcomings of the dating scene here, mostly in the sense that Midd students are sexually repressed. Objectifying others’ sexuality is one of the only ways we are allowed to talk publicly about sex here, since in general we certainly aren’t comfortable discussing our own sex lives. I am extremely troubled by the way sex is socially dealt with here. Discussing sex appeal in terms of body and fashion-with strict conformist standards-not only objectifies those individuals who are considered “hot”, it encourages all of us to be more shallow. How about we talk about the ridiculous number of people who suffer from negative body image, unhealthy dieting and exercising, and eating disorders on this campus? I imagine that the two phenomena are not too distantly related.

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