Announcing the 2009 B@Mmy Award Winners

The Teaching & Learning Collaborative recently hosted the first annual B@Mmy awards for blogging and tweeting excellence. We are pleased to announce the winners, who are welcome to post these ribbons to their respective blogs.

Best Group Blog: GSIPM

The Graduate School of International Policy & Management blog is one of the most active organizational blogs on campus delivering relevant information to an audience of 500+. Topics include campus events, course information, fellowships, and scholarships.

Best Class Blog: Art of Sunzi

Many of you probably noticed the sheer volume of activity in Chinese by the students in Chinese 460. The use of the P2 WordPress theme seemed to really promote interaction and certainly encouraged a great deal of output from students.

Best Student Blogger: Molly Ammons

Molly Ammons has displayed an incredible energy and enthusiasm for blogging this semester. Through creating her own blogs, posting on the DMC blog, and constantly being active on Blogs @ MIIS through sharing new ideas and reflecting, she helped foster the online blogging community here at MIIS.

Best Faculty Blog: Nuket Kardam

Nuket Kardam is the first faculty member to venture into the blogging community.  She is using her blog as a professional portfolio documenting her teaching, travels, and research activities.  We look forward to more updates as Nuket continues to explore the possibilities!

Best Staff Blog: Coleman Library

The William Tell Coleman Library blog draws people into a community of researchers and provides a great deal of useful information.

Best Use of Twitter: @MIIS_GSIPM

The MIIS_GSIPM Twitter account not only posts all new announcements from the GSIPM blog but also actively follows other international organizations that have relevance to the interests of GSIPM students. The latest current affairs information is collected and shared with the GSIPM student body.

Congratulations to all of the nominees!

Other B@Mmy Awards nominees included the following members of the Blogs @ MIIS community:

3 thoughts on “Announcing the 2009 B@Mmy Award Winners”

  1. This is SO cool too! I feel like I have been living in a shoebox with no windows or access to the MIIS blogging community.

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