On Writing Proofs

Keith Devlin of Stanford University defines mathematical proof this way:

Proofs are stories that convince suitably qualified others that a certain statement is true.

This quote is from a blog post entitled “What is a proof, really?“, and I find it to be a useful definition.  In this class, you may find it helpful to consider your classmates to be the “suitably qualified others.”

Here is a rubric for evaluating proofs, adapted from Keith Devlin’s:


Novice Apprentice Practitioner
Logical correctness Solution is fundamentally flawed. Solution is mostly fine, with one or two slips of logic. Solution is complete and correct.
Clarity  The argument is difficult to follow. There may be dangling sentence fragments, or a sequence of equations with no clear flow. The argument can be found, but only with some work on the part of the reader. Solution is clear and easy to follow. The writer uses complete sentences throughout (“=” is a verb); sentences start with words (not symbols).
Opening /Closing The reader has to infer what’s being proved and when the argument is done. There is an opening and a closing statement, but they are muddled and/or misplaced. There is a clear statement at the beginning of exactly what is being proved, and a clear statement at the end that the result has been established.
Reasons Reasons for statements are not provided. Some reasons are provided, but there are big jumps and/or unnecessarily detailed justifications. Reasons are given for all significant steps.
Efficiency The argument is repetitive or includes unnecessary information (which may be true, but is not helpful). The progression is mostly smooth. There may be one or two extraneous statements. The solution is elegant: complete while free of any distractions; the readers says “this makes it seem simple!”


You can use this to write and revise your own work, and to give responses to peers when I ask you to do that.  Keep in mind that improvement will take time and practice!

Selected Solutions

Here are the solutions to the first exam: Math302SpringExam1Solutions.

Here’s a proof that our definition of even and odd permutations makes sense: Even/Odd Permutations.