Malcolm Radio Show

The beginnings of something great…

Archive for the 'Green Rant' Category

Is my opportunity to talk about sustainability, usually based on current events

Malcolm Radio Show Episode 8

Posted by Malcolm on 4th November 2013

For the week of November 4th

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Trying to find to podcast during this hectic time of the year

Episode 8 takeaways:

– Come to the next Social Hour

MARINE opportunities

– Interview with Kelsey Schueler, resident Ocean Champion

– Music Credit: Crooked Colours – Come Down

Stay awesome!

Posted in Green Rant, MRS, Student Interviews, What's What at MIIS | No Comments »

Malcolm Radio Show Episode 7

Posted by Malcolm on 21st October 2013

For the week of October 21st

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Trying to find to podcast during this hectic time of the year

Episode 7 takeaways:

– Halloween Party this Saturday!

Protecting Pacific leatherbacks, one Summit at a time

– Music Credit: Old School Love – Lupe Fiasco (© Atlantic Records)

Stay awesome!

Posted in Green Rant, MRS, What's What at MIIS | No Comments »

Malcolm Radio Show Episode 6

Posted by Malcolm on 7th October 2013

For the week of October 7th

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After a week off, it feels good to get back in the booth.

Episode 6 takeaways:

– Third Social Hour is this Friday

– It’s hard being an environmentalist during a government shutdown

– Andrew Victor has more stories than you can handle

– DJ DiaLogic provides a soundtrack to the government shutdown, check out the full set here

Stay awesome!

Posted in Green Rant, MIISRadio Connect, MRS, Student Interviews, What's What at MIIS | No Comments »

Understanding the Government Shutdown’s Environmental Impact

Posted by Malcolm on 6th October 2013

NOAA’s page

Six days ago, the US government shutdown. This is not the first time that this has occurred, in fact it has happened 17 times before. Simply put, the reason behind the current shutdown, and past ones as well, is due to the great divide between republicans and democrats and their “interests.” From abortions to environmental standards, both sides of the aisle are willing to stop the government to get what they want. In this case, Congress failed to follow one of its key duties of passing a budget, because republicans want to eliminate or limit Obamacare. After the shutdown commenced, more than 800,000 government employees will sit at home and many “non-essential” government entities entered “shutdown mode.” So what does this mean for the environment?

  • The EPA has shutdown. This includes their  efforts to clamp down on carbon pollution from power plants, to set gas milage ratings, to cleanup of superfund sites, and to implement hazardous waste inspections. Only 1,069 or about 6.5 percent of the total employees are staying on, either because they’re doing vital work or because another fund is paying their bills. And air and water won’t be monitored for pollution.
  • All 401 national parks and monuments have closed  costing local communities approximately $76 million per day in lost revenue from visitors. This is coupled with the stalling of the creation of wilderness, the end of the nations conservation program, and the sale of public lands.
  • NASA has shutdown. In Florida, NASA’s historic Kennedy Space Center is likely to see most of its 2,085 civilian employees and another 4,384 private contractors asked to stay home.
  • Energy innovation has halted for all intensive purposes. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has stopped all new offshore wind demonstration project permitting. Research activities at NIST and NOAA, including climate and weather research, material science, nano-science, and energy science, have been stopped. Non-essential research and procurement at the Department of Defense, such as investments in clean energy (roughly $1 billion worth), is halted which is slowing down development of next-generation batteries, microgrids, and power electronics as well as early markets for solar panels on bases.
  • NOAA has shutdown. This means access to their data sets and maps is no longer possible. For students here at MIIS in the OCRM track, this has been a damper. With my position at Oceana, we are working on a contingency plan to deal with NOAA employees being unavailable, possibly through the Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle Conservation Summit (blog post to come on the results of this).
  • Employees at the National Weather Service need to be paid. At least that is what they are telling us. “There’s no money to pay them,” Dan Sobien, president of the National Weather Service Employees Organization, told Popular Science. “Nobody knows when anyone’s going to get paid.”

Luckily, the GOP are willing to bake Obama cookies if he agrees to change Obamacare. Since that will help the environment…

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Malcolm Radio Show Episode 5

Posted by Malcolm on 23rd September 2013

For the week of September 23rd

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It was quite entertaining (and a little crowded) to have 3 other people to rant with, more of this to come!

Episode 5 takeaways:

– Keep Calm and Study Hard

– Keystone XL is a big deal

– Matt, Nate, and Jessy have a lot to say about KXL

– Visit Jessy’s NoKXL blog post

– Music credit: Flume – Holdin On (cc)

Stay awesome!

Posted in Green Rant, MRS, What's What at MIIS | No Comments »

Understanding Keystone XL

Posted by Malcolm on 22nd September 2013

5 years ago, TransCanada Corp first sought approval for the 1,179-mile, $5.3-billion pipeline that would start in Alberta, where the vast tar (oil) sands are located, and end in the Gulf Coast of Texas, where the bitumen would be refined, loaded on ships, and shipped all over the world. Unfortunately, an area the size of Florida is already set for extraction in Alberta and the pipeline is just a means to transport the refined oil out of the country. Right now, everyone is waiting on a decision from the State Department to approve the pipeline, or not. The decision has been postponed many times before, mostly due to the blotched report created by conflicting interests. So what is the big deal with the Keystone XL pipeline? Won’t it create some well needed jobs? What about lowering oil prices? I’ll try to answer a few of these questions now, but be sure to check out the Green Rant tomorrow where the discussion will cover every aspect of the KXL.

A Big Old F.U. to the Environment: (Courtesy to Friends of the Earth)

GRAPHIC: Laris Karklis - The Washington Post.

Keystone XL pipeline map

  • Tar sands oil is dirty, really dirty. “Levels of carbon dioxide emissions are three to four times higher than those of conventional oil, due to more energy-intensive extraction and refining processes. The Keystone XL pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil into the United States daily, and result in climate-damaging emissions equal to adding more than 5.6 million new cars to U.S. roads.” With rising oil prices, the tar sands have become economically viable for oil companies. This is because the externalities are not currently included in oil prices. As long as we don’t include externalities in our pricing, the tar sands, offshore drilling, and fracking are all possibilities.
  • Where is all the water? Oh, it’s waste now. “Vast amounts of heat, water and chemicals are needed to separate the tarry substance (known as bitumen) from sand, silt, and clay and to flow up the pipeline. The water used in the process comes from rivers and underground aquifers. It takes three barrels of water to extract each single barrel of oil.” And at about 2.4 million barrels per day, that is quite a bit of water. If you didn’t notice the United States (particularly Kansas) and the rest of the world are beginning to face water scarcity issues. So it makes perfect sense to use potable water to extract oil, to burn, contribute to climate change, and increase droughts, right?
  • Here’s to a few more trees, and species. “The tar sands oil are underneath the world’s largest intact ecosystem, the Boreal forests of Alberta. The forests not only serve as an important carbon sink, but its biodiversity and unspoiled bodies of water support large populations of many different species.” With the impact that the tar sands will have on the environment, it may surprise some that Alberta has quite a few environmental laws in place. Unfortunately, the permitting process holds a much higher weight for economic benefits than environmental. Maybe a proper ecosystem valuation of the tar sands would have more appropriate in this case? “The net present value of oil sands wealth net of GHG cost is thus $1,413.3 billion.”
  • Indigenous communities say what. What? “Not only have indigenous communities been forced off of their land, but also those living downstream from tailing ponds have seen spikes in rates of rare cancers, renal failure, lupus, and hyperthyroidism. In the lakeside village of Fort Chipewyan, for example, 100 of the town’s 1,200 residents have died from cancer.” The US EPA is currently working on their own Indigenous Peoples Environmental Justice Policy, in order to help the tribal people who tend to suffer the most from environmental injustices. Alberta also has an Aboriginal People and the Alberta Human Rights Act, I wonder how many complaints have been ignored concerning the KXL? Indigenous groups are being pretty clear, they DO NOT WANT A PIPELINE.
  • These are not the spills you are looking for. “The probability of spills from this pipeline is high and more threatening than conventional spills, because tar sands oil sinks rather than floats, making clean ups more difficult and costly. Experts warn that the more acidic and corrosive consistency of the type of tar sands oil being piped into the U.S. as well as the risk of external corrosion from higher pipeline  temperatures makes spills more likely.” In 2010, the Enbridge Kalamazoo Spill resulted in over 1 million gallons of spilled oil and cost over $1 billion. Earlier this year, the Exxon pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas spilled up to 420,000 gallons of oil, ruined an entire neighborhood, and serves as an example of things to come. Pipelines break and spills happen, as long as we continue to rely on them, or more importantly, as long as we rely on oil.
  • It takes carbon (and other toxic chemicals) to make carbon, duh. “Refining tar sands oil is dirtier than refining conventional oil, and results in higher emissions of toxic sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide.These emissions cause smog and acid rain and contribute to respiratory diseases like asthma. Communities near the refineries where the Keystone XL pipeline terminates, many of them low-income and communities of color, already live with dangerously high levels of air pollution.” Similar to the injustices that the indigenous people are facing in Alberta, minority communities in Texas will face increased pollution and higher healthcare costs (and likely death). In fact, the pollution would reach levels that are higher than the legal allowable limits.
  • 2°C is more than just a number. “In order to avoid devastating effects on the climate from a global rise of 2 degrees Celsius, such as the melting of the Arctic ice, sea level rise, and more extreme tornados and hurricanes and more floods and heat waves, the International Energy Association says that up to two-thirds of known fossil reserves must remain untouched.” I don’t even need to tell you why 4°C of global temperature rise needs to be avoided, but this report does a great job of painting a terrifying future for humanity.

Thanks Obama: (use sarcasm in case of KXL approval)

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Malcolm Radio Show Episode 4

Posted by Malcolm on 16th September 2013

For the week of September 16th

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This week was recorded in one sitting with only a few takes. Now this is turning into a really enjoyable hobby!

Episode 4 takeaways:

– Classes are getting into full swing

– Climate change is a conflict multiplier

– Bryan Weiner has ambitious goals for Gay & Co.

– Music credit: Sir Sly – Gold (Betablock3r remix) (cc)

Be sure to check out my Life Lessons page and please provide some feedback.

Stay awesome!

Posted in Green Rant, MRS, Student Interviews, What's What at MIIS | No Comments »

Malcolm Radio Show Episode 3

Posted by Jessica Bradish on 9th September 2013

For the week of September 9th

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Everything is going a little smoother for this episode. I spent quite a few hours researching for the Green Rant, hope you enjoy it!

Episode 3 takeaways:

– Student Council elections are the 11th-13th, winners announced at the Social Hour

– Fukushima is an international problem with no solution

– Sydney needs more interns at Global Majority; contact:

– What to get your voice on my show or in your own podcast? Let me know!

– Music credit: Reverse Skydiving by Hot Natured (cc)

Like I mentioned, I’ve expanded the blog a little. Stay tuned for future posts.

Stay awesome!

Posted in Green Rant, MRS, Student Interviews, What's What at MIIS | No Comments »

Understanding Fukushima

Posted by Malcolm on 7th September 2013

In order to rant about Fukushima and the radioactive mess that is occurring the Pacific Ocean, it is important to understand the nature of radiation, the benefits (or issues) with maps, and the nature of the problem. In March of 2011, an earthquake struck off the coast of Japan and the resulting tsunami overwhelmed the seawalls. During the earthquake the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant lost outside power and faced degraded safety systems. The tsunami then hit, resulting in explosions in 4 units of the facility, 1 of which was never able to achieve cold shutdown, i.e. it continues to leak radiation. Part of the issue is that the facility had noticeable safety flaws that were never addressed, but the unpredictable nature of natural disasters was the main issue. Recent news articles have begun to highlight the new high levels of radiation leaking from the plant.

This NOAA map represents the height of the tsunami wave that swamped the Fukushima Dai’ichi nuclear plant in 2011, NOT the extent of radiation flowing outward from the spill.

While researching for the Green Rant this week I had to give myself a thorough refresher over radiation and its impacts on people and nature. Radiation is complex and one could spend their entire life studying it and still not understand it. There are a few terms that need clarification to understand the issue unfolding in Japan. First is the peach amount of radiation from the plant of about 2,200 millisieverts/hour. Sieverts (Sv) are a measure of the biological impacts of a radiation dose. For example, there are about 2.5 mSv/year of typical background radiation from natural sources and one sievert carries with it a 5.5% chance of eventually developing cancer. The next term is the amount of radiation that will reach the CA coastline (and is being diluted throughout the Pacific) of 10-20 becquerels/cubic meter. Becquerels (Bq) are a measure of radioactive decay and have no implications on biological impacts. Radiation, in the form of cesium-137 and strontium-90 (the isotopes radiating from Fukushima), have similar properties to potassium and calcium respectively. This means that they are able to bioaccumulate in in cells of animals and in bones (again respectively).

A major issue with the fallout of Fukushima is the maps that are being distributed on the internet. The map to the right has been used to demonstrate the radiation in the Pacific. The map actually displays wave height from the tsunami and not radiation. As mentioned, there is a trace amount of radiation that will reach the west coast of the US (and all of the Pacific) that is better demonstrated in a series of maps found here.

The biggest concern right now is that we are now unable to eat fish in the Pacific due to the radiation. Technically, the levels are not high enough to have serious health impacts. I would be more concerned about the sustainability concerns and the mercury levels.

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Malcolm Radio Show Episode 2

Posted by Malcolm on 2nd September 2013

For the week of September 2nd

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I added in a little music, which makes it feel more like a podcast. It only took a few takes to finish too!

Episode 2 takeaways:

– Happy Labor Day (don’t work too hard)

– Social Hour #1 was a success, student council nominations are open, Activities Fair on Thursday

– The Rim Fire is just a glimpse of what’s to come

– The Student Council Executive Board thinks working with me is like “working with warm cookies”

– What to get your voice on my show or in your own podcast? Let me know!

– Music credit: Asaf Avidan – One Day /Reckoning Song 

Keep an eye on my blogging and the expansion of this blog, I have lots to say.

Stay awesome!

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