Malcolm Radio Show

The beginnings of something great…

Archive for September, 2013

A day in the life, a life in the day.

Posted by Malcolm on 30th September 2013

Over the weekend, instead of preparing for a podcast this week, I wrote a piece for Student Services titled “A Day in the Life…” and began researching a new project not assigned for class. Despite having ample time to organize a podcast that would talk about food waste (next week?), I decided to take this […]

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Malcolm Radio Show Episode 5

Posted by Malcolm on 23rd September 2013

For the week of September 23rd [middmedia 78661e6509bc9248670e5c1a5710eb73 msjohnson MRSe5-Audacity.mp3 width:400 height:300] It was quite entertaining (and a little crowded) to have 3 other people to rant with, more of this to come! Episode 5 takeaways: – Keep Calm and Study Hard – Keystone XL is a big deal – Matt, Nate, and Jessy have […]

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Understanding Keystone XL

Posted by Malcolm on 22nd September 2013

5 years ago, TransCanada Corp first sought approval for the 1,179-mile, $5.3-billion pipeline that would start in Alberta, where the vast tar (oil) sands are located, and end in the Gulf Coast of Texas, where the bitumen would be refined, loaded on ships, and shipped all over the world. Unfortunately, an area the size of Florida is […]

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Episode 5 Preview

Posted by Malcolm on 19th September 2013

The next episode will consist of a longer Green Rant in place of the student interview with students joining me for the segment. Preview: What’s What – 1 month of classes finished Green Rant – To KXL or not to KXL, that is the question Fellow IEP students Matthew Nichols and Nate Maynard, plus everyone’s […]

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Malcolm Radio Show Episode 4

Posted by Malcolm on 16th September 2013

For the week of September 16th [middmedia 78661e6509bc9248670e5c1a5710eb73 msjohnson MRSe4.mp3 width:400 height:300] This week was recorded in one sitting with only a few takes. Now this is turning into a really enjoyable hobby! Episode 4 takeaways: – Classes are getting into full swing – Climate change is a conflict multiplier – Bryan Weiner has ambitious […]

Posted in Green Rant, MRS, Student Interviews, What's What at MIIS | No Comments »

Understanding Climate Disturbance and Conflict

Posted by Malcolm on 13th September 2013

For this week’s Green Rant, I will be talking about climate change as a conflict multiplier. Before listening, I suggest you read this little primer about climate change and conflict: It has been scientifically proven that CO2 causes warming, this was even confirmed by Mythbusters. Humans have been emitting a LOT of CO2 since the […]

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Episode 4 Preview

Posted by Malcolm on 11th September 2013

Let me know if there is any topic you’d like to hear about, event’s you’d like me to mention, or people you’d like to hear interviewed (including yourself). I can’t get enough of this! Preview: What’s What – Getting into the groove of things Green Rant – Climate stressors and conflict Student Interview – President […]

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Malcolm Radio Show Episode 3

Posted by Jessica Bradish on 9th September 2013

For the week of September 9th [middmedia dd6920a14721e955cdb0d285be85c664 Commons-MIIS-web_data-middlebury-edu MRSe3.mp3 width:400 height:300] Everything is going a little smoother for this episode. I spent quite a few hours researching for the Green Rant, hope you enjoy it! Episode 3 takeaways: – Student Council elections are the 11th-13th, winners announced at the Social Hour – Fukushima is […]

Posted in Green Rant, MRS, Student Interviews, What's What at MIIS | No Comments »

Understanding Fukushima

Posted by Malcolm on 7th September 2013

In order to rant about Fukushima and the radioactive mess that is occurring the Pacific Ocean, it is important to understand the nature of radiation, the benefits (or issues) with maps, and the nature of the problem. In March of 2011, an earthquake struck off the coast of Japan and the resulting tsunami overwhelmed the […]

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Episode 3 Preview

Posted by Malcolm on 3rd September 2013

Did anyone else have as much fun as I did with the music? Recording and editing took much less time than the last. Share this with your friends and don’t be afraid to criticize me, as long as it is constructive! Preview: What’s What – Student Council elections! Green Rant – What the Fukushima? Student […]

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