Luz Vazquez-Ramos is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer that served in El Salvador in the Community Organization and Economic Development Program. While in El Salvador Luz fell in love with the people of her community, Cantón San Isidro, Izalco. Together they created micro-businesses for women and youth, a rural tourism committee along with a traveling youth theater group, and a new potable water system.
Today, Luz is a candidate for a dual masters degree in public administration and international education management at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS). At MIIS, she is refining her tools in management, leadership, and education with an intercultural communication emphasis.
While at MIIS, Ms. Vazquez-Ramos has conducted action research in Peru for the Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development, studying connectivity and poverty. Luz has consulted for the study abroad offices of Skyline College and Loyola Marymount University in creating a pre-departure orientation and marketing plans for first-generation study abroad students. She is now consulting the Salinas Valley Dream Academy in strategic planing and board development.
Luz is the former Board President for CASA 0101 Theater where she was a volunteer for 12 years. During her time at CASA 0101 Theater, Luz lead the organization’s formation of a board of directors and secured their 501 c(3) status. She also chaired the capital campaign committee that spearheaded the theater’s expansion project which secured a new venue and remodel into a new, state-of-the-art theater space that is five times larger.
Luz is a graduate of California State University, Long Beach and has over 15 years of experience in campaign finance and grassroots organizing, and community and leadership development in the Latino community. Luz is passionate about community theater and believes that to write and perform one’s own story is a political act that sheds light on the human condition, ultimately changing political consciousness.