Reading Response #1: Anzaldua

Gloria Anzaldua’s Borderlands/La Frontera is one of the most seminal texts of cultural criticism to shape border, Chicano/a, gender, and queer theories. Anzaldua experimentally writes at the intersection of autobiography, poetry, theory, mythology, and geopolitical history. Select 1 line that you consider to be the most important in Anzaldua’s work and write a brief 1-page response about why you were drawn to it and how it functions within the text as a whole (re: excerpts read). Type the line at the beginning of your response. The line you select might illuminate an image, metaphor, figure, word, or idea you find interesting; you must persuasively explore its meaningfulness in ways that are not obvious, general, or summarizing. Consider also how Anzaluda’s text enacts, embodies, or resists the very concept of the border that is being explored, and thus how she challenges your position as a reader. This exercise is mostly meant to get you thinking in preparation for our discussion, so approach this as a brief, informal free-write that will not be evaluated except as it shows me how you think through language and ideas.