Final Portfolio


  1. Cover Page (include: name, date, course, unique portfolio title)
  2. Table of Contents
  3. Essay 1: Revision w/Note, draft 1, peer review—in order newest to oldest w/clip or staple
  4. Essay 2: Revision w/Note, draft 1, peer review—in order newest to oldest w/clip or staple
  5. Essay 3 w/Note—staple
  6. Letter: Final Self-Reflection —staple
  • Grade Proposal (optional) — what grade do you think you deserve and why?
  • Text Review (TBA)


  • All materials must be placed within a folder or bound w/clip in the order above; no exceptions
  • Additional revisions of essay 1 or 2 MUST include a new Note of revision explanations or I will not grade it; indicate in your TOC if you have revised either of these papers again by including them as “Final draft” or “Draft 3”