Tag Archives: Teams

Team Report to Area Directors

I gave the Area Directors a report on the progress made by the Curricular Technology team over the last 5 weeks.  In my report, I reviewed our mission statement and vision (i.e. elevator pitch).  I also described some of our working methodologies including our extensive use of Google Apps for collaborative writing and our attempt to be as open and transparent as possible.  Finally I listed some of our activities including our course site platform recommendations, our curricular technologies feature matrix and our review of Breadnet.

Meeting Notes 2009-08-11

Alex recapped his AD meeting report.

Ian was the guest at the meeting.  RE: LIS Web Team and the curricular resources presence on the LIS website.

  • part 1: what key terms do we want to turn up which results?
  • part 2: develop the resources that you land on after the search.
  • Us: figure out landing pages, presentation.  Develop a process.
  • Ian: Will assist with interoperability  of systems.
  • Ian will find out how the team can have access to Google analytics so we can determine which of our current web resources is most used.
  • Brian will send out to team the project manager workbook and url inventory sheet.

In tackling this, we should think about:

  • How to target our audiences (faculty, students, staff) (i.e. as a single group, as separate groups, as overlapping groups…)
  • How to determine definitive sources of documentation
  • How to contextualize documentation so it is where people need it and is surrounding by related content
  • How to distinguish “how to” documentation from “what can I do” documentation

Essentially we’ll need to get an inventory of all the CT related content we have and review it.  Ultimately, what the LIS website team needs is the specifications for a CT “landing page” which would be appear for searches of “curricular technology” (and presumably synonyms such as “educational” and “academic” technology) as well as appearing on the customized search results page for searches of “LIS”

    Great work Ian!

    Discussed the survey questions.

    Newly added:

    • Opening paragraph
    • Are you Humanities, Languages , etc.  (Divs)
    • Whom do you want to access/participate your course site?

    We’ll finish this in next meeting.

    Meeting Notes 2009-08-04

    BreadNet Evaluation: Next Steps

    • FirstClass, the platform that is used by BreadNet, has functionality that is similar to email, mailing lists and forums.
    • BreadNet has enabled the development of strong community of users who seem to be satisfied with the platform
    • the version of FirstClass used by Breadnet is difficult and time-consuming to backup
    • newer versions of FirstClass may offer improved functionality and be easier to maintain

    Action items:

    1. Adam will meet with Rick and get more details about issues with maintaining FirstClass server
    2. Dan will research newer versions of FirstClass
    3. Summary of Findings to date will be posted to the CT Blog

    WordPress Plugins

    • SlideShare seems like a useful plugin for embedding presentations, would need to review it.  Does require uploaded presentations to slideshare site and making public.  Google Apps has a presentation tool that may also provide similar functionality
    • CommentPress plugins also seem to be useful, again plugin code needs to be evaluated.
    • With all of these need to find make sure we don’t force WordPress to provide functionality that it isn’t design to support….
    • These plugins and tools that offer similar functionality also need to be evaluated in terms of the “best of breed” strategy vs. using what is available….

    AD Meeting Report

    I covered the following topics during the meeting:

    • Our blog and wiki
    • Project scope
    • Timeline / time pressures
    • Surveys, google analytics, search analysis, HEAT stats, etc.
    • LIS Project Managers
    • Brief overview of recommendations

    Questions from the ADs and my paraphrased responses:

    What can we do about time pressures?

    I mentioned that we weren’t requesting peoples tasks to be juggled or reassigned, but we did want the ADs to know that some members wanted to spend more time on this project. I noted that we understood that the amount of time we spend on project work will vary during the course of the project. I can explain more during our weekly meeting.

    What resources do you need [the ADs] to provide?

    We don’t have specific resource requests at this time, though we may have more after our meeting with Jeff on the 20th. We will also ask the LIS Project Managers what additional resources they will require to work on their areas of the LIS website and will send these requests to the AD team as appropriate.

    What about forms that send information to people in LIS? [book order form, helpdesk request, etc.]

    I said that this was something we had not considered previously, but providing access to these forms does seem within scope of our project and is something we should consider in our recommendations. I promised to bring up this topic during one of our next meetings.

    What about an issue/request tracking system on the web?

    Developing/purchasing such a system is not within the scope of our project. However, should LIS acquire or develop this system, we may have recommendations on how best to provide access to its information through the web. As LIS does not have such a system at this time, developing these recommendations is not a priority for our work.

    Where is LIS in the site information architecture?

    The Library website will be part of the Academics section of the site. LIS will not have a traditional site on the CMS, but the LIS landing page may be accessible in the Offices & Services section, through Search, through Quick Links, etc.

    I’m a faculty member and I want to know about the curricular technology options that are available to me. How do I find this out?

    This is specifically the question that we are looking to the curricular technology team to answer, which is why we have identified that team as a Project Manager for a portion of the LIS website.

    Meeting agenda for 8/12

    Agenda for Wed 8/12:

    • Liz will moderate meeting
    • Ian will give an overview of the AD meeting and reactions
    • More discussion of meetings with primary contacts/working with them if needed
    • Finalizing recommendations on the wiki; we want buy-in by the meeting, so please contribute on the wiki!
    • Going over student employee survey feedback

    Research: What is exported from a WordPress blog?

    What gets saved when you export a WordPress blog?  I know the format of the export file is XML and that all posts, pages, categories and authors are exported.  See:

    Not sure if files, sidebar settings, themes or roles can be exported….  There are tools that exist to migrate WordPress blog to other platforms, but not all or perhaps any of them will migrate files…

    WordPress to Drupal

    There are two main modules for migrating WordPress content to Drupal, see:


    WP2Drupal interacts directly with the database, whereas WordPress_Import uses the WXR export file.  It is not clear whether these migration modules also migrate WordPress files.  There is Drupal code out there for migrating files on a remote server to Drupal, see:

    It also looks like Drupal is working on a migration framework, see:

    Agenda for 8/6

    Agenda for 8/6 (feel free to edit as needed)
    LIB 221
    Carrie and Elin away the next 3 meetings

    Meeting notes: Jim
    Time Keeper?
    Moderator: Barbara

    Any announcements, etc? (5 min)

    Review Outline for AD Team Update (10 min) – Ian

    What’s next with Primary Contacts? (20 min)

    Wrap-up, agenda for next meeting etc. (10 min)

    Upcoming timeline items:
    8/3 – Web Makeover Meetings with Primary Contact and Project Manager
    8/5 – Complete gathering MOST input (more will trickle in throughout process).
    8/10 – Web Makeover Follow-up meetings with Primary Contact and Project Manager – discuss and respond to WW recommendations for IA/Content
    Week of 8/17 – Web Makeover – check in – roles and timelines are due
    8/17 – Present roles and timelines for LIS at web project managers meeting
    8/20 – Proposed recommendations presented to sponsor

    Future topics:
    Continue brainstorming recommendation
    Primary contacts for content
    Building coalition
    Evaluate information architecture and corresponding list of LIS website contacts for current LIS site
    Review permissions list and make recommendations for content providers

    Recommendation/proposal for AD’s
    Action plan to achieve key deliverables
    Analyze survey results and usage data
    Finalize measurements/metrics – what does success look like; what metric will define our success?