Hoover’s Online now through Mergent

Mergent took over Dun & Bradstreet recently. As far as our online resources are concerned, this primarily affects Middlebury College patrons who frequently use Hoover’s Online (if you are trying to access this from off campus, this link will direct you through the proxy server).

More about this change to Hoover’s below the fold; meanwhile if you have problems accessing this or any other online content, please send an email to eaccess-admin@middlebury.edu

As of today we are told the previous URL for Hoovers Online will no longer work. Our catalog record has been updated, but if you have a bookmark for Hoovers Online, you will need to change that to http://www.mergentonline.com/Hoovers. Also – apparently every time you click the new link, it will display a box saying “Please click the box below to access the Library Solution” – go ahead and click the “Continue” button.

We also have access to some Hoovers content through LexisNexis and WestLaw’s Campus Research – an example is here. Those links should  not be affected.