Landing Page content

Below is an idea of the content for the landing page (formally About LIS), from my discussions with Jeff.  Keep in mind this is still pretty rough, but it’s a start.  I do have a few questions that I have included in the listing below.

Add Link to Library/Technology Support pages

Add Link to LIS blog and Essentials

Should Emergency Procedures be included on the landing page or is this a function of Public Safety’s page?????

Hours, Locations, Maps

  • Library and helpdesk hours
  • Library locations (street maps)
  • Computer Labs

Do you know about…? (LIS weekly updates) (where do updates come from?)

News from LIS (update from R25 Live)  should old content go to the wiki?

LIS Departmental Directory (see Listings) links to directory

  • Administration
    • Administrative Offices
    • Area Directors
  • Collection Management
    • Acquisitions
    • Collection Development
    • Interlibrary Loan
    • Original Cataloging
    • Copy Cataloging
    • Government Documents
    • Media Resource Development
    • Preservation & Processing
    • Special Collections & Archives
  • User Services
    • Library Circulation Services
      • Reserve Services
    • User Support and Services
    • Media and Technology Services
    • Senior Technology Specialist
  • Academic Consulting Services
  • Enterprise Technology & Infrastructure
    • Administrative Systems Operations
    • Central Systems
    • Curricular Technology
    • Database Applications and Systems
    • Web Applications & Systems
    • Library Systems
    • Telephone Services
    • Systems Integration & Effectiveness

Policies – make a link to the handbook

LIS Suggestion Box

Quick Phone & Email Contacts

Liaisons & Subject Specialists

Content Provider (LIS website)


Move to wiki

LIS Organization

Move to another page

Move to Library page

Libraries and Collections

·        OVERVIEW

·        Armstrong Science Library

·        Music Library

·        Davison Library (Bread Loaf Campus)

·        Midd’s Digital Initiatives


One thought on “Landing Page content

  1. Alex Chapin

    Curricular Technology might better be listed under Academic Consulting Services (ACS)…. After all, it is most likely that it will be liaisons that will be representing curricular technologies to the college community…

    Any idea where the course web site listing will be? Maybe this is better listed under Academics, through should definitely be cross linked with Curricular Technologies…

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