File Management System Training Guide For New Employees

What is File Management?

File management is the process of naming, sorting, and handling files in a way that boosts your efficiency and helps you stay organized.

Our File Management System


Create a separate folder for translation projects to ensure you don’t mix up business and personal files.


Store internal files and client files in separate folders.


Within the Client folder, differentiate clients according to their cooperation status with L10N Alliance, namely: “Current,” “Prospect,” and “Lapsed.” Create a tracker in Excel to keep track of the status of all projects.


Each Client should have their own folder. Use their company name, for example “SheepAlliance,” one of our key clients. Organize client folders in alphabetical order.


In each client folder, create project folders. Start each folder with the project number, for example “001Project_Document_Translation”.


Create a folder for each phase of a translation project within the project folder , such as “Source_Files”, “PO”, and “Translation”.


In each project phase, name the files by the date each file was received using the following format: [YearMonthDay-file_description].
Remember to distinguish input and output folders by adding the necessary prepositions.


If adjustments are made to certain files, save and rename a new file for each version.

See the tree map of this file management system here.



The Dos & Don’ts of File Management



・Create folders in a logical hierarchy that reflects the workflow.

・Name your folders with dates at the beginning so the computer can sort them in a logical way.

・Use simple language to name folders and use descriptive but concise file names where possible. For example: “To_Translation” instead of “TPX” or any other abbreviation.

・Follow file naming conventions.

     1. Use underscores instead of spaces.

     2. Characters such as / ? < > \ : * | ” ^ are prohibited

・File as you go.

・File a document as soon as you create it.

・Use the “Save As” dialogue box: name your document and save it in the right place.

・Backup your files regularly.

・Create a desktop shortcut to the folder that you use most so that you can easily access your daily clients and projects.



・Leave any business related files on your Desktop or in ‘My documents’. (Use shortcuts to them instead).

・Mix documents from different companies in one folder. This is to protect our clients’ confidentiality.

・Delete business related files unless you are absolutely certain that you will never need the file again. Instead, create a folder called “Old” or “Inactive” and move old files into it.


