Category Archive: Uncategorized

Night Diving

Night Diving

Imagine absolute darkness. The lightless, shockingly empty void is a velvety thick colorless black. That is what the ocean can be like, at night. It …


Coral Gardening Updates Phase 2 & 3

Coral Gardening Updates Phase 2 & 3

Ongoing monitoring of the coral nurseries in Tanagan have revealed that my dive team in Tanagan are mermen!  I have never seen anyone so capable, …


Coral Gardening in Sitio Bataha, Barangay Tanagan, Municipality of Calatagan, Province of Batangas April 17-19, 2016

Coral Gardening in Sitio Bataha, Barangay Tanagan, Municipality of Calatagan, Province of Batangas April 17-19, 2016

Over the course of three days phase one of the coral gardening project was completed. Sitio Bataha is distant from the main road that runs …


Philippine Women’s University visits Calatagan

Philippine Women’s University visits Calatagan

I have been communicating with the faculty of the Philippine Women’s University ever since September.  My good friend Angel put me in touch with the …


Giant Clam Restocking

Giant Clam Restocking

I recently had the good fortune to participate in a unique project with DENR to restock Giant Clams, locally called Taklobo, in the marine protected …


Coral Gardening Project Part 2

Coral Gardening Project Part 2

Meeting with the People’s Organization for the Marine Protected Area in Barangay Tanagan Explaining the steps for coral gardening Thanks again to everyone who has donated to …


Diving Anilao, Batangas

Diving Anilao, Batangas

I have long awaited to dive Anilao.  One of the exciting parts of my site transfer was proximity to this dive haven.  Over Holy Week, …


Coral Gardening in Calatagan Part 1

Coral Gardening in Calatagan Part 1

Above: The nursery in Lapu Lapu from our goral gardening training. Below: Same nursery, one year later. Significant growth in coral and fish recruitment! Almost a …


The Cope’s come to the Philippines!

The Cope’s come to the Philippines!

Family Portrait at the Chocolate Hills When I accepted my invitation to the Peace Corps they promised that they would visit me in the Philippines. After …


same same, but different

same same, but different

A young monk returning from collecting alms in Chiang Mai Flowers, sold at the local market, used as offerings to religious statues and relics. Outside one of …