Tag Archives: Spain


View of the New Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain from the garden of Calisto y Melibea. I studied for a sesmester in Salamanca and spent many peaceful moments in the garden reflecting on the majesty and history of the city.

semana santa float

Throughout Semana Santa, elaborate floats are paraded through town. The most common themes are Jesus and Mary. This float was paraded in Salamanca, Spain.

Semana Santa Salamanca

















Semana Santa is an important festival rich in history.  This is a traditional procession in Salamanca, Spain.

Thanksgiving Madrid

In 2012, I hosted an International Thanksgiving dinner in Madrid complete with 4 Americans, 2 Scotts, 1 Italian and 8 Spaniards. We feasted on traditional, local and mixed favorites. For example, chorizo stuffing.

Las Fallas scultp

















Las Fallas is celebrated in Valencia, Spain everyday in honor of Saint Joseph, the carpenter saint. Artisans work hard all year to create a comic masterpiece and then burn it down at the end of a month long celebration.