Tag Archives: School Project

Heartwarming Collaboration

Today,Teaching Rhythm I was fortunate to interpret a meeting for a volunteer and a mother. We were lucky enough to be gifted with Joan for two weeks. She is a special education teacher turned consultant for teachers and her contribution to our project will be felt long after she leaves. Because of her background, we placed her in Damas, where I am the primary volunteer coordinator to work with the two special education students in Kindergarten in the class with the teacher, Gretel, and another GVI volunteer, Sophie.

Joan and KeylorAfter observing both little boys, Joan, Sophie and Gretel sat down and created a plan of action. Both boys are bright and full of potential, but one is very hyper which leads him to create chaos in class, and the other struggles to participate because he can’t speak properly and seems to struggle with hearing, but is eager to be a part of the group and works well with one-on-one attention. For Mr. Hyper, Joan took charge of taking him on walks to see the many butterflies around the school until he is calm enough to return to class. Next, she and Sophie worked with Mr. Eager to help him feel comfortable working with the group by always standing by him or sitting next to him during table work. In just one week, the class was calmer, Mr. Hyper was behaving better, and Mr. Eager with initiating high-fives and completing all class projects.

Sophie and KeylorToday, Joan sat down with Mr. Eager’s Mom who worries that as a five year old he doesn’t speak,  and acts out when frustrated. Although she lives close by, she sometimes feels ashamed bringing him to class because she doesn’t want to create more work for the teacher. Joan assured her that he is very capable and just needs a new learning strategy. As I type this, Joan and Sophie are busily creating pictures of classroom and home actions and objects that Mr. Eager can use on a daily basis in class and at home. The hope is that he will associate the pictures with the task at hand and will continue learning even if he can’t hear or understand the instructions well. I am so grateful for the work and hope Joan and Sophie have brought to this classroom and to Mr. Eager’s Mom. Thank you for amazing work, ladies!

Festival de las Artes

P1070480Last week Damas School where I am the lead staff member celebrated Festival de las Artes (Festival of the Arts). This is a national wide competition where students of all ages learn and present traditional and modern dances, sculpture, drawings, paintings, stomp routines and more! GVI volunteers alongside a visiting school group from England, Bancroft. Worked tirelessly to help the students find their talent. Even the pre-school classes worked on a traditional dance and a charming play to present for the exhibition day last Friday.

Kinder playThe day was full of color, music, talent, smiles and fun! Highlights for me were the traditional dances and the kinder play. The play included fairy tale characters that we all know and love, but their home (the enchanted forest) was contaminated by trash sent by the evil witch. It was so bad that a beautiful princes was put into a deep sleep from the contamination. Luckily, a handsome prince started a cleaning campaign and eventually vanquished the evil witch with air freshener and Lysol. It was an adorable play with a positive message.

5th grade danceThe day ended in a massive dance party that was kicked off by volunteers and staff (yep, even me), starting a flash mob to the song Waka Waka by Shakira. The kids enjoyed it so much that they demanded we dance again and the second time they all danced with us! It was the perfect way to end such a happy day.


ribbon cutting aulaTo make the day even more special, we inaugurated the classroom that the Bancroft School group helped build with GVI support. Great job guys! We will think of you every time we have an English class in there.




I have so many photos and videos I want to share from this day, but here are a few more of my favorites:


Click here to see a video of the Kinder Traditional Dance


Stomp 2 paquita scottish dancing stomp 1 Paquita scultpture 2nd grade dance



Leemos JuntosStephanie Loiselle and I presented our after-school bilingual education program initiative during the poster session of the 2014 Foreign Language Symposium hosted by the Monterey Institute of International Studies.