Media Fast

I am embarrassed to say I did not make it successfully through the media fast. I lasted a solid 15 hours but couldn’t find it in me to make it the full 24. I began my fast at 11Pm Saturday night. It was great to be with the basketball team and feel like I was fully present in the moment with them. We sang karaoke at the grille (killed it I might add) and I could not have been more thrilled that I didn’t have my phone attached to me. I woke up Sunday morning and did all the reading homework I could do. 4PM hit and my anxiety got the best of me. With my political science paper due Tuesday, I didn’t think it was the smartest idea to leave it all for Monday night.  I was most surprised by  how little I missed my phone. I thought if I wasn’t going to make it through the fast it was going to be because I needed my phone. I felt free when I didn’t have my phone. It was nice feeling that I wasn’t constantly accessible to people. Without this paper looming over my head would I have made it the full 24 hours? It is tough to say. I like to think I would have but who really knows. This experiment made me realize we need to set aside more time without technology. Maybe not a full 24 hours, but even just a couple hours can make a huge difference.

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