Month: December 2023

An Exploration Far Beyond Translation: Game Localization of Edge Not Found

Alright, buckle up, folks! Today, I’m going to take you on a meticulous journey through the wild world of localizing a JavaScript-powered HTML game using i18n. Now, mind you, this is my first rodeo with a project like this, and let me tell you, I’ve encountered more hurdles and challenges than a cat trying to…Continue Reading An Exploration Far Beyond Translation: Game Localization of Edge Not Found

Revision in Trados

After translation, another important step is to review the translation with peers. This post is going to give a general outlook of QA checker and the usage of regex. QA Checker QA checker can help us ensure the quality and consistency of their translations. It performs various checks on the translated content to identify potential…Continue Reading Revision in Trados

Complete Workflow of a Trados Project

Embarking on a Trados project is akin to navigating a multifaceted landscape, with each step demanding a unique set of skills and strategies. Here, I’m excited to share my journey of mastering the entire workflow of a Trados project – from the initial stages of preparation to the final polished output. Join me as I…Continue Reading Complete Workflow of a Trados Project