Preparing for an Excellent Adventure in Bali, Indonesia

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My CBE fellowship has begun!  I have been lucky enough to become the World Surfing Reserve (WSR) Fellow for Save The Waves Coalition in Davenport, California.  We are developing a research project on the Bukit Peninsula, in Bali Indonesia.  Our research project aims to assess surf tourist’s willingness to pay (WTP) for marine and coastal conservation management.  The hope is uncover a means to use surfing as a tool for ocean conservation.  This project is the first of its kind, so we are all excited and actively preparing for the trip. As shown above, the guys at Save the Waves are forcing me to train hard both in and out of the office.

We are currently outlining a plan of action with partners from San Diego State University’s Center for Surf Research and Conservation International.  The project will combine a mixture of WTP survey methods along with economic valuation questions regarding the value and importance of environmental protection to the Uluwatu area.  We hope to find local stewards that will help us foster support to make Uluwatu a World Surfing Reserve.  A WSR would provide public awareness of  Uluwatu’s importance to the Indonesia, and the entire world surfing community, along with a local management team dedicated to the stewardship of the area.