Listed below are some useful items for you.
Current typos found by you players in Lessons in Play
Electronic books and journals on combinatorial games
- Integers Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory (See the games section of the journal.)
- Most of the contents of the book Games of No Chance.
- Most of the contents of the book More Games of No Chance.
- Most of the contents of the book Games of No Chance 3.
- A short book by Tom Ferguson of UCLA.
- MathSciNet will help you locate printed material.
Games to play (there are countless more):
- This is a 7×7 version of hex.
- Play Hex against a computer program.
- THE website for computer checkers program.
- To play Chomp, Fibonacci Nim, Moore’s Nim, Dawson’s Chess, Dots and Boxes, and Dominotion.
Researchers of Combinatorial Game Theory
- Richard Nowakowski
- Aviezri Fraenkel
- Elwyn Berlekamp
- David Eppstein
- Jeff Erickson
- Ryan Hayward likes Hex
- David Wolfe
- Tom Ferguson
- University of Alberta GAMES Group