Final Project: Marthas Vineyard Soundscape


For my final project I have created a Soundscape of Marthas Vineyard. Most of the sounds in this piece were recorded by me on the Island but a few were downloaded from My overall goal with this piece is to create a sonic environment reminiscent of different aspects of the Island.

The piece begins with a loud foghorn and the sound of a ferry departing the dock and traveling across a body of water. The foghorn alternates from left to right so as to create the feeling of two ships passing one another in the water. Eventually the ferry and fog horns disappear in the distance as we walk across the Wharf where you disembark the ferry and make our way onto the beach. After pausing and listening to the Seagulls and Crows we have a go at fishing. Unfortunately we are unsuccessful in our fishing endeavors and continue down the beach until we find a quiet spot to rest. The remainder of the piece is devoted to attempting to create a soundscape of sitting on the beach relaxing by and open fire while  fog horns blare and boats quietly cut through the black waters in the distance.