Presenting on subjects studied and practiced in the field in a second language, while being simultaneously interpreted, translated into several languages and observed by many multilingual colleagues is a routine most often associated with leading experts and top scholars at high level meetings and conferences.
However, this experience is part of the MIIS routine and gives the GSIPM and GSTILE students a great chance to collaborate in a professional setting. In early December “The Mini-Monterey Model” will showcase the interdisciplinary nature of our students and provide opportunities for policy issues and language, international relations and cross-cultural communication to intersect on the MIIS campus.
I will be presenting on my summer “Development Project Management” Fellowship experience in Peru, certifying clean burning stoves projects for carbon credits, as well as a directed study I completed over two semesters titled “Strategic Partnership & Social Capital Development”, both in Spanish. It will be my first time being simultaneously interpreted and I am looking forward to the opportunity to present to an open audience on campus TWICE!
(I must admit, I am a bit nervous with finals coming up and several other projects and papers due in the same week. Wish me luck!)
When is this happening, David? I’d like to participate and listen in on the the interpretation – haven’t had the chance to do that much.
Hey Bob,
Thanks for asking. The Mini-Monterey Model will take place on…
(I will present “ProPeru Stoves Projects: A Social Business Model” based on my summer DPMI+ fellowship)
THURS., DEC. 3RD in McGOWAN 102 2-4PM.
(I will present “Strategic Partnership & Social Capital Development in Hispanic Studies at MIIS” based on a directed study carried out over two semesters)
Both of my presentations are in Spanish. Can’t deny it, I’m pretty nervous. Wish me luck!
The presentation yesterday went well. It was a really unique feeling to be simultaneously interpreted into English, Russian, Chinese and Japanese all at once with an auditorium full of spectators with headphones on. I have a renewed respect for our simultaneous interpretation students. What an amazing skill!
Rajeev and I will present at the second installment of the Mini-Monterey Model tomorrow between 2-4pm in McGowan Building Room 102.
I will be presenting on my summer “Development Project Management” Fellowship experience in Peru, certifying clean burning stoves projects for carbon credits, as well as a directed study I completed over two semesters titled “Strategic Partnership & Social Capital Development”, both in Spanish.