5. Just Brand Me!

Idea Champions: Shedisha Matthias, Grace Andrews

The Pitch: We want to make bigger and better MIIS merchandise. We’d like to revamp what we’ve got, make it more visible (campus and community wide), and maybe even find a place to showcase all this fabuloussness (bookstore?!?)! We’re addressing the lack of presence we have in Monterey County and also creating a sense of unity amongst the student body both past and present.

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[youtube AgZCS3FQc1A]

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4. Electrifying MIIS’s Commitment

Idea Champion: Carter B. Chapman

The Pitch: Sure, emitting less carbon is a good thing, and MIIS’s 2015 carbon neutral commitment is applaudable. However, what if MIIS could help the entire Monterey peninsula emit less carbon? By installing electric vehicle charging stations, MIIS can help others in the community emit 2 tons less carbon per year per car.

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[youtube iqMb6sEMp-0]

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