Category Archives: Ideas

6. Media Hub!

Idea Champions: Jessy Bradish, Moyara Ruehsen, Natalie Sherman

The Pitch: Students have three different offices for technology services, on three different streets: Student Tech Services, Media Services, and the Digital Media Commons…. With our powers combined, we can be more efficient with our resources and services! Let’s create a Media Hub!

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[youtube axp8sqr4Qa0]

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5. Just Brand Me!

Idea Champions: Shedisha Matthias, Grace Andrews

The Pitch: We want to make bigger and better MIIS merchandise. We’d like to revamp what we’ve got, make it more visible (campus and community wide), and maybe even find a place to showcase all this fabuloussness (bookstore?!?)! We’re addressing the lack of presence we have in Monterey County and also creating a sense of unity amongst the student body both past and present.

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[youtube AgZCS3FQc1A]

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