4. Electrifying MIIS’s Commitment

Idea Champion: Carter B. Chapman

The Pitch: Sure, emitting less carbon is a good thing, and MIIS’s 2015 carbon neutral commitment is applaudable. However, what if MIIS could help the entire Monterey peninsula emit less carbon? By installing electric vehicle charging stations, MIIS can help others in the community emit 2 tons less carbon per year per car.

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6 thoughts on “4. Electrifying MIIS’s Commitment

  1. Mike

    I think this is a great idea, but is there a demand for them yet? Is it plausible to believe enough people will purchase the electric car to support the installation of charging stations. This seems like the mule pushing the cart.

  2. chelsea

    +1 ! There is already more demand for EVs than there are cars available to fulfill it. Installing a charger not only provides a service to those who would already find themselves at MIIS, but in attracting visitors, serves a marketing purpose in the broader community and around the state. It’s a relatively low up-front cost with multiple types of returns in the long run.

  3. Nate

    what most intrigues me is that this charging station will be free. our economy is stuck in a downward spiral of oil dependence that is facilitated by our oil-based infrastructure. in order for real change to occur, it must come in the form of great incentives. this is one of those great incentives. this idea is much larger than the community of Monterey. imagine if every city had a free electric charging station. electric vehicles would no longer be seen as having a handicap, and they would proliferate. a program such as this could be a powerful catalyst in the move toward an economy that is sustainable, and i know i would like to see this idea make it into the minds of those with the capability to fund and organize such a program, you know, like the people who attend TED:)

    1. Jessy

      I believe the charging stations require a grant, which will likely but not definitely happen. It’s a great idea but there are also still some outstanding logistics.

  4. marylou

    Can’t believe that the Monterey Peninsula does NOT have a public electric charging station. I don’t know what we are waiting for. If there were no gas stations would there be gasoline cars driving around? Of course not. So, if we want electric cars instead of gas cars we have to provide a way for them to fill their tank. Let’s do it!


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