Journalism and Women’s Needs: Q & A with Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

How can women be a majority of the population and a ‘special interest’ group?” is the lead question in this question and answer time at the Dining for Women Conference. Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, a well known journalist and author of the Dressmaker of Kahir Kahan, a true story about courageous women entrepreneurs during the Taliban era in Afghanistan, challenges assumptions about what is news worthy. Her interesting and passionate answers compel us to rethink the concept of ‘women’s issues.’ She has to advocate constantly  for ‘women’s issues’ to be part of the main news flow. Paula LeRoy, MA 2011, Security and Development at Monterey Institute of International Studies brings you this presentation as part of Policy Pace, a radio show aimed at bringing deeper news, less famous voices, and expertise to students and policy makers.

Click here to download the interview. It will open up in your iTunes or Multimedia Music Player as a MP3 file. It can be further downloaded to your ipod or mp3 player for mobile listening.