Ivory Coast: Who are the Rebels? An analysis by Dadie Loh

The conflict in Ivory Coast, is rarely in the mainstream news anymore, after journalists decided that the conflict was a reaction to a dictator who wanted to stay in power to long. Dadie Loh, MA 2011 inĀ Non Proliferation and Terrorism Studies, at Monterey Institute of International Studies, educates us about the subtleties of the conflict in his home country. Paula LeRoy, MA 2011 in IPS Security and Development leads the interview through its economic, regional, factional, security, and journalistic facets. Part 1 of 2.

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Yemen in Transition: Many Factions, Many Needs

Policy Pace producer Paula LeRoy interviews Fuad Shaw, an International Policy Studies: Security and Development graduate student of Monterey Institute of International Studies, who unravels the complexities of the Yemeni conflict, its history and uniqueness.

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