What’s Going On in Bajo Lempa, El Salvador? A Model for Development!

Click here for audio: El Salvador- DN-PP
Professor Adele Negro’s analysis of development and peace making in the Bajo Lempa region of El Salvador provides more good news than one might expect. This 45 min interview with Policy PACE hostess, Paula LeRoy, is chocked full of details, inspiration, and realism about development opportunities and challenges in war torn areas. Environmental issues are a focus. Adele is a tremendous resource about the history of El Salvador, as well as observer of the present situation, after a month long visit March 2012. Each year, she trains and accompanies graduate students from MIIS to assist the region.

Topics covered in the interview include origins, growth and responsibilities of La Coordinadora, a loose but vibrant confederation of 125 villages. Asociacion Mangle,  organized for the protection of  the Mangroves and Bay of Jiquilisco,  has reached world stature as it preserves “the lungs” of the planet, while Ecoviva, serves a funding and advocacy role. http://vivaecoviva.wordpress.com/,   http://sites.middlebury.edu/equipomonterey

Current challenges include annual flooding, a moratorium on harvesting of turtle eggs, the lack of professionalized work force, sustaining livelihoods, and the need for record keeping and capacity building.

Professor Negro suggests a study of why the Bajo Lempa region is economically improving and able to maintain the designation of ‘’zone of peace” while other areas have diminished capacity and greater vulnerability to violence and poverty.  Community leadership, strategic planning, and election of members to national government propel it forward. Youth programs incorporating radio, arts, culture, leadership training and environmental conservation are some of the solutions.

In conclusion, Adele challenges the audience to further develop the practice of solidarity with other communities that doesn’t foster dependency or hierarchies, but is truly a linking of arms with the other community.

Please feel free to share this interview with colleagues and share your responses with us at policypace@live.com

Click here to stream interview: El Salvador- DN-PP

El Salvador is party to the Convention on Biological DiversityUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeKyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeUnited Nations Convention to Combat DesertificationCITESBasel ConventionPartial Test Ban TreatyMontreal ProtocolRamsar Convention. El Salvador has signed, but not ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Desarrollo, Derechos Humanos, y Immigracion por Antonio Amendariz

This 34 minute podcast is in Spanish. Click here to listen:  ES, Chile, Immigration AA-PP

Antonio Amendariz, un alumno de MIIS de IPS, describe sus experiencias en El Salvador con Equipo El Salvador, un J-term programa. El tuvo el papel de interpretador entonces, el  sabe mucho de los projectos de Eco-Turismo, Collecion de Basura, y Produccion de Agricoltura.

Comparte sus investigaciones en Chile de Derechos Humanos de las Indigenas. Fue con Global Majority y un J-term programa. Explica de algunos violaciones del pasado y de la presente de los derechos humanos. Tambien, ofrecza el otro lado,  la gente que apoyo el dictadora Augusto Pinochet. Habla con host Paula LeRoy de Policy Pace en dificultades entre el mundo de industrialacion y el mundo spiritual y rural que depende en la relacion con la tierra.

Por el fin, explica de immigracion entre Estados Unidos y Mexico y los efectos de El Trado de Comerico Liberal (NAFTA)