A Case for Compassionate Immigration Policy by Dr. William Arrocha

Immigration is a multi-faceted phenonmena that intersects with issues of human rights,  national policies, international norms, racism, cultural issues, misconceptions, and, in some cases, absurdities.  Arguments bode well for a compassionate policy.

MIIS Professor William Arrocha, negotiator of NAFTA, and regional expert, discusses with Policy Pace host, Paula LeRoy some of the general worldwide issues,  US Immigration History, Braceros Program, the unilateral closing of the Mexican-American Border, Immigration law, and criminalization of work.

Drawing on his research of the US-Central America Region, Dr. Arrocha explains that as the US government retreats from the defender of human rights, immigrants have few protections while being excluded from participatory democracy practices that can improve their own situations and that of the country.

Part 1 describes the History, Challenges and Controversies of Immigration:

click here for live stream: Arrocha 1

Part 2 elaborates on How the Immigration System works, Amnesty, Labor Rights, and Hypocracies: click here for live stream: Arrocha 3