Ivory Coast: Who are the Rebels? An analysis by Dadie Loh

The conflict in Ivory Coast, is rarely in the mainstream news anymore, after journalists decided that the conflict was a reaction to a dictator who wanted to stay in power to long. Dadie Loh, MA 2011 in Non Proliferation and Terrorism Studies, at Monterey Institute of International Studies, educates us about the subtleties of the conflict in his home country. Paula LeRoy, MA 2011 in IPS Security and Development leads the interview through its economic, regional, factional, security, and journalistic facets. Part 1 of 2.

Click here to download the interview. It will download to your itunes or multimedia player in MP3 format.

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Journalism and Women’s Needs: Q & A with Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

How can women be a majority of the population and a ‘special interest’ group?” is the lead question in this question and answer time at the Dining for Women Conference. Gayle Tzemach Lemmon, a well known journalist and author of the Dressmaker of Kahir Kahan, a true story about courageous women entrepreneurs during the Taliban era in Afghanistan, challenges assumptions about what is news worthy. Her interesting and passionate answers compel us to rethink the concept of ‘women’s issues.’ She has to advocate constantly  for ‘women’s issues’ to be part of the main news flow. Paula LeRoy, MA 2011, Security and Development at Monterey Institute of International Studies brings you this presentation as part of Policy Pace, a radio show aimed at bringing deeper news, less famous voices, and expertise to students and policy makers.

Click here to download the interview. It will open up in your iTunes or Multimedia Music Player as a MP3 file. It can be further downloaded to your ipod or mp3 player for mobile listening.

The Enigma: Power, Gender and Politics with Ursula Daniels and Denise Woods

Ursula Daniels, founder of PAXWORKS and Denise Woods, a consultant for NGO’s in DC, share their views and expertise on Gender, Power and Poverty, using a nested model, case studies in Nicaragua and Nepal and depth of exploration into this nexus. The women co-chair a chapter of Dining for Women in DC, and bring their experience to bear on many of the causes supported by DFW. Paula LeRoy interviews these fascinating women in October of 2011. the interview includes discussions of water issues, land grants, capitalism, shortages, violence, the presence of absence, journey head to heart, a free competent press and collaborative invasions.

Click here to download the interview. It will download to your itunes or multimedia player in an MP3 format, which you may then transfer to your ipod or mp3 player of leisurely listening.

Feel free to  share this interview with colleagues and friends.

Foundations of a Successful NGO: Marsha Wallace of Dining for Women

Dining for Women founderMarsha Wallace, the co-founder of the highly successful NGO Dining for Women, describes the inspiration for, and beginning phases of, Dining for Women, an international giving circle that focuses on women’s empowerment and development. Each month the 200+ chapters of DFW, meet in their local communities and learn about a thoroughly vetted international NGO. Through the donations DFW  is able to give $30-40K to each organization that has planned a particular project or expansion for the DFW partnership. With typical humility, Marsha describes the process and intricacies of running a growing nonprofit as well as solutions to some of the urgent issues experienced by women in poverty. This 34 minute interview on Policy Pace is inspiring and informative. Interviewer and producer Paula LeRoy, has created Policy Pace to bring successes and indepth analysis in the fields of security and development. If you would like to be interviewed or contribute an interview please contact us at policypace@live.com.

Download here to listen to the interview. Please be patient while it loads to your iTunes or Multimedia Player that is part of your computer. Please feel free to share with others.

Click here to stream audio.

This is also the link:

Healing, Saving,and Protecting Women from Sex Trafficking: Lotus Outreach International

Executive Director Erika Keaveney of Lotus Outreach International describes their work in Cambodia healing, saving and protecting women and girls from sex trafficking and domestic abuse. Visit LotusOutreach.org to learn more about their 10 integrated programs helping women and girls with education, livelihood, self-esteem, advocacy and protection.

This highly successful program includes interface with the governing bodies, legal action as well as a safe house and womens empowerment programs. Erika is an engaging and passionate speaker.

Audio will be available soon.



Yemen in Transition: Many Factions, Many Needs

Policy Pace producer Paula LeRoy interviews Fuad Shaw, an International Policy Studies: Security and Development graduate student of Monterey Institute of International Studies, who unravels the complexities of the Yemeni conflict, its history and uniqueness.

Click here to hear this interview.

Feel free to download and/or share this MP3 podcast.

Identity, Culture, Conflict and Change in Present day Turkey: Nuket Kardam and Jodee Waters

Nuket Kardam and JoDee Walters share their experiences about the present day situation in Turkey concerning a search for identity and place in the world power structure, as well as issues facing women specifically as Turkey’s cultural changes in fits and spurts. Paula LeRoy hosts the interview of these two Monterey Institute of International Studies professors in October 2011, days  before the devastating earthquake in Turkey.

Click here to download the interview. It will download to your itunes or multimedia player in MP3 format.

The interview is over an hour long due to the breadth and depth of the subject matter. Downloading will enable you to listen at your liesure. Enjoy!

Nuances of Transitional Justice from Judge Juan Guzman

The honorable Judge Juan Guzman, the judge who brought Augusto Pinochet to justice, lectured at Monterey Institute of International Studies. He explains legal steps, concepts and caveats, especially related to transitional justice in Chile and Rwanda. With humor and clarity he answers questions about the ICC, bringing other high level bureaucrats to justice and the obstacles to justice. Paula LeRoy, IPS Security and Development graduate student, and producer of Policy Pace radio show, recorded and narrates the interview, November 2011. Introductions by Professor Jan Black and CA Assemblyman Bill Monning are not included in this recording due to length. A video of the presentation is also available on Midd Media

Click here to download this presentation. It will download to your itunes or multimedia player in MP3 format.)

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Sustainability Speaker Series: Bio-fuels: Market Promise, Governance Challenge

Kevin Fingerman is a Ph.D. Candidate at UC Berkeley in the Energy & Resources Group, and the Vice-Chair and Steering Board Member at Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels.  Hear clips from Fingerman’s presentation on biofuels and life-cycle assessments (LCAs) below, or listen to the entire talk.

– Recorded Wednesday October 5th, 2011

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