I had the opportunity to interview Andy Kimbrell, the Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety, at the recent Justice Begins with Seeds Conference in San Francisco. CFS currently has five cases in the courts to regulate or restrict GM crops. As Kimbrell says, “at CFS we don’t get passive aggressive, we just get aggressive – we just sue.”
Listen to Kimbrell rip the industrial meat system, particularly Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, known as CAFOs, and the e-coli contamination they spread… see the transcript below. [middmedia JBRADISH jbradish JBS-Andy%20Kimbrell%20-%20CAFOs.mp3 width:400 height:300]
Hear the complete Andy Kimbrell interview here. [middmedia JBRADISH jbradish JBS-Andy%20Kimbrell.mp3 width:400 height:300]
For more information about the Center for Food Safety, check out the CFS website. Continue reading →