On the “Incubator”

What is the Language and Culture Incubator?

The Incubator originated as an idea among the directors of the Language Schools as part of Envisioning Middlebury, and then embraced by Stephen Snyder and Per Urlaub, Dean and Associate Dean of Language Schools respectively, as a way to enable all language and culture teaching faculty to benefit from each other’s strengths, ideas, and research or design projects. 

The Incubator is meant to facilitate research on language and culture learning and the sharing of effective practices for teaching language and culture all throughout the Middlebury network. The aim is a pan-Middlebury effort to engage and to serve faculty teaching language and culture at the College, the summer Language Schools, the Institute, and the Schools Abroad.

Steve and Per give a fuller account of the origins and vision for this project in the following two video clips, if you are interested to learn more: 

2 minute video from Steve Snyder 

2 minute video from Per Urlaub

Stephen Snyder, Dean of Language Schools & VP for Academic Affairs; Kawashima Professor of Japanese Studies

Per Urlaub, Associate Dean of the Language School, Associate College Professor