Cuba J-Term Practicum
Cuba is everything and nothing you expect all rolled into one. The culture has a laid-back island vibe, but there is also a hustle in the air as people go about their daily lives. In some ways, the struggle to globalize and the peace of a rooted culture are felt throughout the cities. It is a culture and land so much more complicated than what is taught to us here in the States. In every way, it is a perfect example of how little we really know about other countries and cultures until we have a chance to actually be a part of it. It stresses the importance of remaining open minded and accepting of different cultures, people, and ideas. There is no black and white as many of us think there is and conflicts are so multi-dimensional there is no single solution or template. This trip exemplified knowledge transfer- and just how valuable those can be in society and in our personal lives. Most important, it stressed friendship and cooperation, because alone no country, society, civilization- can reach their full potential.

Click here to check out Nykole’s photo essay, “New Perspectives.”
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