Leslie Laguna, IEM ’18

France J-Term Practicum

Throughout the Team France program, some experiences and encounters really resonated with me both personally and professionally and it seamlessly coincided with the educational training that I have had thus far in my International Education Management program here at MIIS. I feel that since my return to California, I have gained a clearer picture of what is important to me and how I want to incorporate those things into my life. I recognize that the practice of reflection will continue to center me and allow me to set those goals for both my professional and personal future. In addition, I feel as though I became more in touch with who I am and how my identity has been shaped throughout my life. As a professional goal, I realized that I want to be in student-facing position because in such a dynamic environment I know that I will change, evolve, and improve with each person that I come in contact with. As a personal goal, I want to continue improving my language abilities to both excel professionally and foster my interest personally. In summary, I feel very fortunate to have gained this more profound understanding of myself and my career, and it is all thanks to my experience with Team France.

“This photo was taken during a group site visit at Le Petit Mitron Boulangerie in Paris, France. In this picture, Alethea Stoltzfus (pictured on the right) and I (pictured on the left) were rolling pain au chocolat. They were delicious!”

Click here to view Leslie & Team France’s video on their Immersive Learning Experience

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