MPA Practicum with National Women’s Political Caucus, Monterey
During the Spring of 2017, I worked with an organization called the National Women’s Political Caucus. Their goal is to recruit and elect more women for local office. As a new chapter in Monterey, my work served to help the organization understand the political landscape in which it can best grow. I conducted a series of key informant interviews and a literature review that brought me to a series of actionable recommendations for NWPC to implement as it moves forward. My project culminated in a report with my key findings, which include formatted text and graphics to be included on the client’s website. My findings and recommendations were also shared with the MIIS community as part of the DPP Practicum Presentations and Poster Board Session at the end of the semester.
This experience was sobering, as I learned that Monterey faces similar issues of gender representation and discrimination when it comes to women in politics; just like the national and state average, only 1 in every 4 political seats are held by a woman here in Monterey County. I hope that my work can help those who wish to see a more equitable distribution in local politics do something to get us closer to that goal.
Read Giulia’s Deliverable
In front of Sacramento Capital Building. Not exactly me in the “field,” but I don’t have any pictures of those since I attended a closed board meeting.
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