Student Stories and Projects
Addy Michelle Jimenez Haga, IPD ’17
United Nations Centre for Peace, Disarmament, and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, Peru
Andrew Larson, MPA ’17
J-Term Practica: Peru Wrap Around, 2016
Bree Doan, IEM ’14
Hope Foundation
Christopher Madison, T&I ’19
Bilingual Language Services, Peru
Christopher Meyer, IPD ’17
J-Term Practica: Peru Wrap Around, 2016
Jamie Perez, IPD ’17
J-Term Practica: Peru Wrap Around, 2016
Jamie Perez, IPD ‘17
DPMI Plus with The Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development (AASD)
Jillian Flavin, MBA/IEP ’18
Directed Study in Peru, J-Term 2016-2017
Katherine Aker, IEM/MPA ’20
Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development
Katie Murzda, IPD ’16
J-Term Practica: Peru Wrap Around, 2016
Lauren Howerton, IEP ’19
Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development
Lauren Link, IEP ’19
Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development
Ruxin Zheng BAIS ’17
J-Term Practica: Peru Wrap Around, 2016
Shannon Nolan MBA/IPD ’17
J-Term Practica: Peru Wrap Around, 2016
Team Peru 2014
J-Term Practica, 2014
Valeria Pina Fonseca, TRNL ’18
AMAZON ECOLODGE My name is Valeria Piña, and I’m a MAT candidate with Spanish and English as my language combination. I am a native Spanish speaker, but after years of living in the United States and living and breathing English, I wanted to spend some time in a Spanish-speaking country that wasn’t my own (I’m originally from… Continue Reading Valeria Pina Fonseca, TRNL ’18
Will Troy, IEP ’19
Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development