Katy Wilson, IEM/MPA ’17

Directed Study: MENA Refugee Education

12/16/2016 – 1/17/2017

Reims, France

In December 2016, I traveled to France to conduct research on the education services available to refugee and migrant youth residing in France. This research is part of a directed study course I am taking entitled “France/Mena Refugee Education”. For this research, I analyzed French policy documents, NGO protocol and international standards related to refugee education. I supported my analysis with semi-structured interviews with French education officials, NGO workers and teachers in the refugee education field. The bulk of my immersive experience consisted of finalizing interview questions; pre-testing the questions with stakeholders; arranging and conducting interviews; and speaking with French policy experts to gather relevant policy documents.

My research analysis is ongoing and findings are being developed as part of my ongoing directed study course. My coursework consists of the elaboration of my research findings with specific attention to my positionality as a researcher in a cross-cultural environment and the intercultural competence issues inherent to refugee education. The basis for my analysis is a vertical case study of international policies and their implementation in the French education and migration systems. I will present a preliminary draft of my research findings at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 7, 2017.

Digging through policy documents at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Learn more from Katy’s blog 

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