Practicum through Middlebury Schools Abroad
The MIIS IEM program has an exciting partnership with Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad, through which MIIS students can use their advanced language skills to assist in running study abroad programs located in many different locations.
In order to apply for any practicum positions with the Middlebury C.V. Starr Schools Abroad, please fill out an inquiry form with a resume and cover letter for consideration.
While submission prior to the deadline is preferable, late submissions may still be considered.
April 15 for a practicum the following fall term
October 15 for a practicum the following spring term
Middlebury Schools Abroad locations include:
Middlebury College Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (M-CMRS), Oxford
Locations: Oxford
Language: English
Work Environment: Practicum students provided office space.
Additional Notes: Must have UK work authorization.
Locations: Buenos Aires and Cordoba
Language: Spanish (advanced mid)
Work Environment: Practicum students work remotely within country.
Locations: Belo Horizonte, Florianopolis, and Niteroi
Language: Portuguese
Work Environment: Practicum students work remotely within country.
Locations: Yaounde
Language: French (intermediate mid)
Work Environment: Practicum students provided shared office space with Director.
Locations: Concepcion, La Serena, Santiago, Temuco, Valdivia, and Valparaiso
Language: Spanish (advanced mid)
Work Environment: Practicum students work remotely within country.
Locations: Beijing, Hangzhou, and Kunming
Language: Chinese (fluent or near fluent)
Work Environment: Practicum students can use shared office space in any of the three cities.
Additional Notes: 1+ years experience living in China required.
Locations: Bordeaux, Paris, and Poitiers
Language: French (advanced low)
Work Environment: Practicum students provided office space in Paris.
Additional Notes: Knowledge of French culture and educational system preferred.
“I owe a large part of my professional growth to my practicum experience at the C.V. Starr Middlebury School in France. Working at the study abroad center in Paris allowed me to experience different aspects of international education that are relevant to my work today: cultural programming, student services, visa matters, academic advising, intercultural immersion, and program assessment. I am grateful for the staff at the center, who was welcoming, supportive, and conducive to my professional development. In addition to launching instructional projects, I was able to develop my French language skills due to the language pledge. Thanks to the internship, I gained invaluable work experience in the field while being based in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.” – Kelly Zuniga, 2015
Locations: Mainz, Berlin, and Potsdam
Language: German (fluent or near fluent)
Work Environment: Practicum students work remotely within country.
“When I started the IEM program, I had a rough idea of what I was looking for in a practicum: I wanted to work for a German (or German related) organization where I could use and improve my language skills while working in education abroad. My practicum at the Middlebury School in Germany provided an experience that was almost exactly what I’d been looking for. As Program Assistant for Special Projects, I worked with the directors of the School on a variety of projects from reflective cultural writing rubrics to expansion of re-entry resources. My supervisors were incredibly supportive and very involved in international education both in the US and Germany, and I was able to provide deliverables that the School found useful. My practicum experience shaped how I’ve thought about my career in international education, and has helped me narrow down what branch of international education I most want to be involved in. It is due in large part to my practicum that I now find myself working full time at an international education organization outside of Washington, D.C.” – Kelsey Prima, 2015
Locations: Ferrara, Florence, and Rome
Language: Italian (good comprehension)
Work Environment: Practicum students may share office space in Florence. There is no office space in Rome or Ferrara. Currently, practicum positions are only available in Florence.
“My experience at the School in Italy has provided me with invaluable insight into the daily operations and challenges involved in running a rigorous program abroad. The staff at the School are wonderfully supportive and flexible. I always feel that they have my growth in mind — from teaching me different procedures to helping me improve my Italian to setting up informational interviews for me with professionals in the student mobility offices at the local universities. And of course there’s the added benefit of being immersed in the Italian language in an environment where even students with no prior knowledge of Italian follow the Language Pledge.” – Jessica DiFoggio, 2017
Locations: Tokyo
Language: Japanese (intermediate)
Work Environment: Practicum students provided shared office space with Director.
Additional Notes: Knowledge of Japanese culture recommended. Fall practicum students preferred.
Locations: Amman
Language: Arabic (intermediate high)
Work Environment: Practicum students work remotely within country.
Additional Notes: Previous cultural experience in the region (not necessarily Jordan) expected.
Russia (currently in Kazakhstan)
Locations: Almaty
Language: Russian (intermediate mid)
Work Environment: Familiarity with Russian culture required.
Locations: Madrid, Getafe, Cordoba, and Logrono
Language: Spanish (advanced)
Work Environment: Practicum students can work in a shared office space in Madrid.
Additional Notes: Previous experience in Spain recommended. The office is closed during August but open all other months.
“My practicum experience with Middlebury Schools Abroad in Spain has been formative and engaging. The on-site staff is interested in my work and experiences, eager to collaborate, and ready to offer constructive feedback. I have exposure to the inner workings of a top-notch education abroad program with a well-established network of resources. I am applying the concepts and content from my coursework in Monterey to complete projects that address real needs within the institution. Thanks to my practicum experience with Middlebury Schools Abroad in Spain, I am more than adequately prepared to begin my professional career in International Education Management.” – Christopher Adams, 2017
Locations: Montevideo
Language: Spanish (advanced mid)
Work Environment: Practicum students work remotely within country.
Practicum through Middlebury Schools Abroad partner institutions
Middlebury has a partnership with Ben-Gurion University in Beer-Sheva. Interested prospective participants should reach out to Susan Parsons to learn more about the potential for a practicum position in this location.
Other Middlebury practicum opportunities
From time to time, various other opportunities may become available through Middlebury College. If the IEM program becomes aware of any such opportunities, they will be shared with IEM students, as appropriate.