Reflection is an invitation to think deeply about our actions so that we may act with more insight and effectiveness in the future. It is probably something you do already: processing, analyzing, and integrating your experiences through writing, discussions with friends, art, etc… just as vital as our actions, is the digestion of what we do, so that we may grow as citizens both professionally and personally.
Source: Northwest Service Academy Reflection Toolkit
Northwest Service Academy Reflection Toolkit
This document contains a comprehensive explanation of what reflection is, why it’s important, and how to facilitate reflection activities. It also contains a list of activities categorized by how long it takes to conduct them, tips for journaling, and good questions to spark reflection.
Center for Civic Reflection – Asking Good Questions
A one page reflective questioning resource built on a three step framework: Clarification – Interpretation – Implication, which has some relation to the the “What? So What? Now What?” protocol. Also, provides tips and examples of ways to ask generative questions that can be used for personal or small group reflective exercise.
“…positionality is often used in the context of the inductive approach to social science inquiry as an exploration of the investigator’s reflection on one’s own placement within the many contexts, layers, power structures, identities, and subjectivities of the viewpoint (England, 1994). Positionality allows for a narrative placement for researcher objectivity and subjectivity whereby the researcher is situated within the many aspects of perspective and positionality (Lave & Wenger, 1991)…”
Doing a ‘diversity wheel‘ activity can be a useful way to approach the concept of positionality.