LGBT Equality

“We should ban discrimination against LGBT Americans and their families so they can live, learn, marry, and work just like everybody else.”

Addressing the Human Rights Campaign in October 2015, Clinton made a pledge to push for protections for the LGBT community.  These protections include:

  1. Ending injustice against LGBT Americans “once and for all”
  2. Advocating for and signing the federal Equality Act into law
  3. Capping out-of-pocket expenses for people living with chronic illnesses, including HIV and AIDS
  4. Upgrading the discharges of all LGB veterans dismissed under “don’t ask, don’t tell” and the earlier military ban on homosexuality
  5. Supporting the Pentagon’s current review of the long-standing ban on military service by transgender Americans, who “shouldn’t have to … [keep] this core part of their identities under wraps”
  6. Cutting off federal funding for adoption agencies that discriminate against LGBT parents
  7. Standing up against antigay school policies
  8. Protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for transgender people, especially trans women of color
  9. Defending LGBT rights abroad, including bailing out jailed LGBT activists
  10. Ending anti-LGBT discrimination completely “at home and abroad”