
Real Clear Politics Polls

Various polling entities, such as Quinniapac, Emerson College, and Florida Atlantic University, show the day-to-day poll gains and losses of the 2016 Presidential Candidates. Clinton shows a steady rise over Sanders throughout November.

NY Times Shows Clinton Leads Over Sanders

This article summarize Hillary’s leads in the polls over Sanders before the 2nd Democratic Debate.

“Mr. Sanders, in turn, has been drawing more contrasts with Mrs. Clinton’s positions on trade, Social Security, the death penalty and marijuana legalization since the October debate, but his attacks have not been memorably effective.”

Polls on the 2nd Democratic Debate

  • on foreign policy/ counter terrorism: 6 in 10 democrats and independents who watched the debate think Clinton would do the best job. A quarter think Sanders would do the best job
  • on gun control: 36% have faith in Sanders, 43% have faith in Clinton
  • on income inequality: 2 to 1 think Sanders would do a better job.
  • on leadership strength: 83% in favor of Clinton, 70% in favor of Sanders.
  • on honesty: Clinton’s, weakest spot, with 58% thinking she is trustworthy, and 86% thinking Sanders is trustworthy.
  • The other candidate: O’Malley trails behind both Sanders and Clinton, so we don’t think his poll numbers are worth mentioning.