
E-mails, e-mails, e-mails…


What happened?

• While Secretary of State, Clinton apparently used her private e-mail server to trade work-related e-mails with secret information regarding national security. These e-mails are easier to hack into than those stored on a federal server.

More Ideas… 

• This WSJ article expresses people’s belief that Clinton has been dishonest about her e-mail malfunction. I think the article is exceptionally vague and boring, as it cites “intelligence experts” that argue about the degree to which her e-mails are ‘classified.’ I don’t really learn anything from it besides the fact that certain people want to portray this as a dramatic scandal but lack a clear way to indict Clinton.



Clinton’s “Rosa Parks” Logo Sparks Anger

Source: “Why Hillary Clinton’s Rosa Parks logo was wrong”

What happened?

• Clinton developed a special logo for her campaign that includes the figure of Rosa Parks in commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Parks’ civil disobedience on the bus in Montgomery AL

• The logo suggests Parks would support Clinton if she were alive.

• People have responded with anger for these reasons:

1. She can’t claim a deceased American civil rights hero would support her

2. This is an example of white people co-opting the achievements of black people

3. Rosa is sitting at the back, not the front of the logo.

More Ideas…

• Neither party can ‘claim’ the civil rights movement as their own

• However, Parks worked for a democratic congress member for 24 years

Attempt to Connect with Millennials via Emojis Backfires


What happened?

• Clinton thinks students should not have to go into debt to attend 4-year public universities

• This confused tweet (above) solicits public engagement with the topic.

• Video link: Stephen Colbert Roasts Hillary Clinton’s Emoji Outreach

• People responded like this:

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