Tag Archives: info session

MIIS Info Session in Korea

On July 4, 2010, Professor Miryoung Sohn offered a talk in Seoul, Korea for alumni and forty-six prospective MIIS students.

Recent T&I graduate, Shihee Yu emceed the 2 hour event.  The information session began with a general introduction to MIIS and followed with testimonies from a number of MIIS alums about their degree experiences and careers since leaving the Institute.  Among those giving testimonies were two 2005 International Policy Studies graduates, Katie Klemsen and Nicola Kim and three Korean T&I graduates, Hyunsuk John Lee of class ‘03, Aeree Park of class ’02, and Jiyoung Park of class ’09 for MACII and ’10 for MATFL.

The prospective students were introduced to the T&I curriculum and the MIIS application process, and the session ended with a chance for the students to ask their questions about the Monterey Institute and its programs.  The session was well-attended, with 46 prospective students and 10 Korean T&I alumni at the event.  Following the information session, there was an alumni dinner.