The wonderful professors in the MIIS Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation, and Language Education are frequently attending seminars and workshops related to their field around the world, and this winter has been no exception.
Wallace Chen, Assistant Professor and Chinese Translation and Interpretation Coordinator, has been very busy this season. He gave a keynote speech at the 15th International Conference on Teaching Translation and Interpretation, held at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan, Taiwan on Dec. 17 2010. The topic was “Using Corpora in Teaching Translation and Interpretation.” He has also recently given a workshop to undergraduate students of translation and interpretation at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan. The topic was “Corpora: a Translator’s Treasure Box.”
Photo: Daymin Taipei, Taiwan
Dr. Jin Huei Dai, Assistant Professor of Chinese, was invited for a three day Teaching Chinese Workshop at Hsinchu University of Education (Hsinchu, Taiwan) on Dec. 6th, Dec. 20th 2010, and Jan. 3rd 2011. The workshop went very well and afterwards Professor Dai was asked to give a few related talks before she left for the U.S.
Stay posted for other exciting news and events about our professors and graduate students!