Tag Archives: English

MIIS Alumna Awarded Doctoral Dissertation Grant from TIRF

MIIS alumna, Joyce Kling (MA TESOL ’88), was awarded one of eight doctoral dissertation grants awarded annually by The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF). Joyce is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Copenhagen writing her dissertation on “Teacher Cognition: English-medium instruction at LIFE [faculty of life sciences].” Her research project examines teaching behavior in English-medium instruction courses described by Danish professors of natural science. The project seeks to reveal underlying teacher cognitions about professional identity related to teaching through a foreign language in the multicultural, multilingual graduate classroom.

On a personal note, Joyce is married to MIIS graduate Daniel Kim Soren (MBA ’92).  Kim had come to MIIS from Denmark on a FUHU scholarship to study business, and Joyce was teaching a summer ESL course.  They have two daughters, aged 9 and 11.

Faculty Publications: Professor Leo van Lier

Too often, the needs of English language learners are met with simplified curriculum and lowered expectations. What would happen if instead classrooms were organized to honor the promise of these students by increasing rather than decreasing the intellectual challenge of instruction, by increasing the support such challenge requires, and by increasing students’ active engagement with their own learning?


This book is the result of a decade-long effort in school districts to implement challenging instruction that is designed for classrooms that include English learners and that raises the bar and increases engagement for all learners.

Classroom vignettes, transcripts of student interactions, and detailed examples of intellectually engaging middle school and high school lessons provide a concrete picture of the instructional approach developed by coauthor Aída Walqui, founder and director of WestEd s Quality Teaching for English Learners (QTEL) initiative.

Underlying the QTEL approach and giving it coherence and power are three strands of instructional theory – cognitive psychology, sociolinguistics, and sociocultural learning theory. Coauthor Leo van Lier, internationally recognized author, linguist, and sociocultural theorist, lays out through clear and frequently wry examples just what these theories have to offer the classroom teacher, in particular the teacher of English learners.

Five years of China International Publishing Group!

Since fall 2006, the Monterey Institute has hosted advanced English and translation/interpretation courses for editors, translators and journalists from China’s largest English language publishing house:  China International Publishing Group.  “We present China to the world,” is the CIPG motto, which they do through books, periodicals, and websites in over 20 languages, representing more than half of national exports of books/periodicals.

Through competitive exams open to the 3000 employees of CIPG, six scholars are selected and sent to the Monterey Institute for a program of advanced English discourse, cross-cultural communication, learning styles, editorial issues, and applied translation and interpreting skills.  Monterey Institute MA students in our translation/interpretation program have benefited from the real-life experience and high proficiency level of the CIPG members, as well as developing professional connections.   The community is involved with outside speakers such as Bradley Zeve, founder of the Monterey Weekly, reporters from the Monterey Herald, and visiting editors from the Zimbabwe press, further developing the free exchange of ideas, and cross-cultural awareness.  We look forward to the next group in fall 2010!

CIPG 2009 Group on their way to a Glass Bottom Boat ride

CIPG 2009 Group on their way to a Glass Bottom Boat ride