Tag Archives: conference

MIIS T&I Faculty at the GLACIER Conference

Prof. Christiane Abel, Prof. Laura Burian, and Prof. Barry Olsen are currently interpreting for the GLACIER Conference in Anchorage, Alaska, with Secretary Kerry and President Obama among the speakers.

The Conference on Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement and Resilience, or GLACIER, will highlight international and domestic priorities in the Arctic. The Department of State hosted GLACIER in Anchorage, Alaska on August 31st.

From left to right: Cricia Lee (CI 2008), Prof. Laura Burian, Céline Colvin (CI 2007 and adjunct in TIFR last year), Prof. Christiane Abel, Prof. Barry Olsen.

Professor Kavenoki Speaks at T&I Conference in Russia

Professor Kavenoki spoke on June 3, 2013 at the 5th Industry of Translation and Interpretation International Conference in Perm, Russia on the T&I Market in the United States, Russia, and Other Geographic Locations in the Russian-English Combination. The conference was held at the National Research Polytechnic University.

She also gave an open lecture on June 5, 2013. The topic of this lecture was the training of T&I Professionals in the United States.

To view an article about the conference (in Russian), please click here.

Professor John Balcom Spoke at Bernard College

John Balcom (Professor, Chinese T&I) was invited to speak at a conference titled “Pedagogies of Translation: Current methods and Future Prospects,” which was held on May 4–5 at Barnard College in New York. The conference was organized by two professors at Barnard College, Lawrence Venuti and Peter O’Connor . The conference, which was hosted by the Center for Translation Studies at Barnard, brought scholars together from the U.S., Canada, and Europe.  Professors from translator training programs, translation studies programs, creative writing programs, and comparative literature programs discussed various pedagogical issues and compared notes on translation as it is taught in North America.  Professor Balcom participated in a panel discussion on translation in translator training programs.

Call for Presentation Proposals for Global Education Conference, North Cyprus


Jasmine Court Hotel, Kyrenia – North Cyprus

We would like to invite you to submit proposals for the Global Education Conference, which aims to provide a platform where latest trends in education are presented and discussed in a friendly and multinational environment. Proposals can be either in Turkish or English and for papers, panels, roundtables, posters/demonstrations, and workshops. Furthermore if  the presenter is unable to attend the oral presentation, the virtual presentations and video presentations are available. The deadline for abstract submission is 01 June 2012 and for full article submission 24 June 2012.GEC’12 conference is supported by Cyprus International University, Sakarya University, Izmir University, Pegem-A publishing and will take place on June 25-27, 2012 at the Jasmine Court Hotel, Kyrenia, North Cyprus. All full paper presentations will be published in an online proceeding book of GEC’12 and the selected papers will be published in:

* The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET (www.tojet.net) (SSCI),

* International Online Journal of Educational Sciences – (IOJES) (www.iojes.net),

* The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education – TOJNED (www.tojned.net),

* Educational Administration-Theory and Practice- (http://pegemdergi.net/index.php/KU),

For more information please visit the official conference website (www.globeducon.com). If you require further information, please contact us on gec.northcyprus@gmail.com.

We are looking forward to seeing you and sharing ideas with you.

Cyril Flerov Lectured at the Annual Conference of the California Federation of Interpreters

Cyril Flerov delivered a lecture on Advanced Simultaneous Interpretation Skills at the annual conference of the California Federation of Interpreters in San Francisco on October 23rd

Topics covered semantic text analysis, transformations, monitoring own interpretation, quality controls, mental preparation, semantic peaks, stage fright, voice training, “burnout”, among many others. The goal was to provide a road map for practicing interpreters for skill improvement.

He received positive feedback from those who attended

Kathi Bailey Presents in Japan

GSTILE faculty member Kathi Bailey gave two presentations in Japan in late October. One was a talk about using dialogue journals with university level EFL students, which was delivered at Kansai University.

The other was the keynote presentation about communication strategies, which she gave at the “e-LINC” conference. The conference was held at Kwansei Gakuin University. (The “e-LINC” organization is the electronic Language Instruction Network Consortium.)

MIIS Professors and Alumni Present at CFI Annual Conference

Professors Laura Burian, Jacolyn Harmer, and Julie Johnson presented at the CFI (California Federation of Interpreters) Annual Conference in San Francisco on October 21. CFI is a professional association and labor union advocating for the interests of the legal interpreting profession. The attendees were primarily California certified and registered court interpreters wanting to enhance their professional interpreting skills.

Professor Burian presented a session on effective Mandarin/English consecutive note-taking strategies. Professors Burian and Harmer jointly presented on segmentation as a technique for controlling décalage in simultaneous interpretation. Professors Harmer and Johnson jointly presented on deliberate practice for Interpreters seeking to enhance their expertise.

MIIS Alumna Katharine Allen (Spanish T&I, 2008) presented on how interpreters can leverage 21st century technology as well as effective consecutive interpretation note-taking strategies for formal testimony and informal dialogue.

MIIS Alumna María Cecilia Marty (Spanish T&I, 1995) offered the following workshops: Hands-on Transcription / Translation and  Monitoring Your Simultaneous.



MIIS Professor at the Symposium on the Translator Profile

MIIS professor, Anthony Pym attended the symposium on the translator profile for the European Commission on September 29th, where representatives of industry and academia met to discuss the changing nature of what is required of translators in the marketplace.

Pym co-chaired a panel discussion on “The Perspective for the Translation Profession”, alongside Kim Harris of the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA).

Rosa Kavenoki presents in Moscow


Professor Rosa Kavenoki presented a paper at the international conference on Language Fashion and Communications in Moscow, November 8-9, 2011. The conference included a selective gathering of 25-30 experts who have been recently involved in presiding over the current changes in the Russian language. The process has been immensely interesting and dynamic and affects specific aspects of human activities in the country such as public speaking, journalism and mass media, literature, translation, interpretation, cinema, and theater.

Professor Kavenoki plenary presentation was titled, “Fancy Words and Memes as Part of Interpreting: Sharpening Verbal Output”. She was honored as the only Translation & Interpretation professional and individual from the United States invited by the conference organizers.

Professor Kavenoki also met with the conference participants and their students in order to tell them about the Monterey Institute and their place in the US higher education system, as well as about specific programs and degree tracks that are offered at the Monterey Institute.

TESOL Travel Grants

One more benefit to being a TESOL International Association member:

Did you know that the TESOL  International Association offers two awards that are specifically for graduate students? You are invited to apply! The recipient gets a stipend and free convention registration.

The Marckwardt Travel Grants assist graduate students traveling to a TESOL convention. The grants include $500 and free convention registration. All TESOL members who are graduate students in TESOL/TFL programs worldwide are eligible to apply.

The Ruth Crymes Fellowship supports recent or current graduate students who are developing projects with direct application to ESOL language classroom instruction. The recipient receives $1,500 and free convention registration for a subsequent year, when the project is presented. All TESOL members who are or have been enrolled within the past year in a TESOL or TEFL graduate program that prepares teachers to teach ESOL are eligible to apply for this fellowship.
For more information about eligibility and other TESOL awards, please go to the TESOL Awards and Grants Web page or contact awards@tesol.org.

Deadline: November 1, 2011