Uwe Muegge’s Presentation at Virtual Translation Conference

On November 10, 2010 Professor Uwe Muegge gave a live presentation as part of the Global Translation Consumers Virtual Conference, an event that attracted registrants from 67 countries. In his webinar titled Reining in the cloud: A call for managed collaboration, Professor Muegge discussed the role of cloud sourcing in the localization process, and how the need for managed collaboration can be met by using wiki-based collaborative solutions like TermWiki. After his presentation, Professor Muegge moderated a Focus Group on the topic “Clouds, Crowds or Clowns?”.

View of the countries of origin of the registrants for this virtual conference. Source: proz.com

This webinar marked the tenth item on professor Muegge’s publication list in 2010. The eleventh, his contribution to the proceedings of the Leipzig International Conference on Translation & Interpretation Studies, another paper on TermWiki, is currently in printing.

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