Appreciation from China for Peace Corps Care Packages

Every year, the Monterey Institute’s Peace Corps Master’s International (PCMI) TESOL program sends students to serve 27 months abroad in the Peace Corps as language teachers and teacher trainers. As a part of the support for those students abroad, the Monterey Institute GSTILE collects snacks, classroom supplies, and other items as donations and mails care packages to the PCMI students abroad.

This year, PCMI student, Sky Lantz-Wagner (China 2010-2012), emailed Professor Kathi Bailey, head of the PCMI program, with his profound thanks for the packages,

I just received my care package in the mail today and wanted to send my sincere gratitude to you and everyone else who made the package possible. It has been a rough couple of weeks, having broken my finger, playing catch up with all the work I missed, and adjusting to the temperature that just dropped 20 degrees  over night yesterday. Your package certainly brightened my day, my week, and my month!

Please send my regards to the MIIS community and especially the GSTILE family.

Best wishes from China,


Thank you on behalf of GSTILE for everyone who helped contribute to the PCMI packages and made their days a little brighter!

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