Professor Muegge presents at CIUTI Forum in Beijing

On May 21 and 22, Beijing Foreign Studies University hosted the most recent Conférence internationale permanente d’Instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes (CIUTI) Forum, a gathering of more than 300 T&I scholars from the United Nations, the European Parliament, the European Union, and CIUTI’s 38 member institutions. The event was not only well-attended; the Forum also received considerable media attention.

Professor Uwe Muegge’s Forum presentation was titled “A new approach to teaching collaborative translation in the classroom” and provided a glimpse at how Professor Muegge uses cloud-based translation memory (TM) tools in his Advanced Computer-Assisted Translation course. Unlike traditional TM tools, cloud-based systems do not require that any special software be installed on student computers, and these systems enable teams of students to work on the same document simultaneously. While cloud-based TM tools are only now entering the mainstream, MIIS students have had the benefit of being exposed to this technology since 2008.

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