MIIS Students Host Foreign Language Symposium March 10th

Students from the Teaching a Foreign Language (TFL) and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) degree programs successfully hosted the 1st annual Celebrating Foreign Language Education Symposium on March 10th with the support of MIIS faculty and staff.

The keynote  address was on “Green Grammar” by Monterey Institute Professor Dr. Leo van Lier. Dr. van Lier joined the TESOL/TFL program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in 1986 and has authored a number of essential books and articles in the field of second language acquisition and applied linguistics.

Presentations by MIIS professors, TFL/TESOL candidates as well as local K-12 and university teachers continued throughout the day. The presentations were given in several languages and the topics were  broad in scope. The evening ended with an informative poster session and hors d’oeuvres.

Overall, the symposium brought over 150 students, faculty and local professionals together for an engaging and informative day. The Monterey community is looking forward to next year’s Foreign Language Symposium and we hope to see you all there.

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