MATESOL Candidates Intern in India over J-term

Kassie Clark (PCMI TESOL candidate), Maggie Steingraeber (MATESOL ’11), and Sarah DeMola (MATESOL candidate) travelled to India to work with MIIS Alum Tarana Patel (MATESOL ’06) at Sankalchand Patel (SK) Colleges in Visnagar. The quartet collaborated to present workshops on interactive and communicative teaching strategies. In addition, they each taught a class in the Intensive English program at the college.

DeMola taught English to Engineering students with advanced proficiency in English. Her class focused on service learning. Students formed a club they called “The green rebels” and carried out a campus wide cleaning project.


Steingraeber taught a class with students of mixed majors who were intermediate to advanced speakers of English. Students noticed animal testing and child labor issues on campus. As a result of the ethical issues they witnessed, students were inspired to discuss, research, and present on social problems of interest to them.

Clark taught a class of high elementary level English speakers who were majoring in commerce. These students came from the city campus, making their commute more challenging. Clarks’ class emphasized conversational English focusing on student nominated topics, such as: cultural customs, economy, corruption, newspaper, and current events.

Patel taught an English for specific purposes course to high beginner level nursing students. Students learned medical terminology and participated in nurse/patient role plays.

Clark reported that the students were enthusiastic to practice English and to share the Indian culture with the foreign women. The ladies also enjoyed watching a kite festival, visiting the Sun Temple, riding in a cart pulled by a camel, textile shopping and more!

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